Human Sex with Animals: Boy, 14, arrested after raping neighbour's CHICKEN to death in Jalalpur Bhattian

The teen stole the hen from a neighbour's shop, in Jalalpur Bhattian, Pakistan, before carrying out the sex attack

A TEENAGER has been arrested by cops after a neighbour accused him of raping his pet chicken to death.

Human Sex with Animals: Fifteen teens treated for rabies after GANG RAPING a donkey… as cops urge others who ‘admired’ the beast to come forward

Mansab Ali said the 14-year-old boy stole the hen from his shop, in Jalalpur Bhattian, Pakistan, before carrying out the bizarre sex attack.
The local  lad allegedly confessed to cops he did it because he was feeling “sexually frustrated.”

"The hen died while being sexually assaulted,” said a policeman. "Two persons witnessed this act.”
The teen was detained for an “unnatural offence" reports the Express Tribune.

Police chief Sarfraz Anjum added the suspect was arrested after a medical examination of the hen confirmed the assault.

“He is a 14-year-old boy and did it out of sexual frustration,” the officer said.

*In September, a taxi driver was accused of raping a puppy to death after allegedly boasting about the sick act to a pal while drunk.

Naresh Kumar, 34, reportedly had sex with the dog, named Jenney, before dumping her in a nearby industrial area in Delhi, India.

She "died due to excessive bleeding from private parts and shock," a post-mortem revealed.

In August, 15 teens were treated for rabies after gang-raping a donkey in Morocco.

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