Uber inks MoU with Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB)

LAHORE: Uber, the global taxi-dispatch service app, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) on Wednesday in a bid to promote the effective use of technology in Lahore.
The MoU is aimed at developing technology that would bring additional safety and convenience for residents in Lahore along with economic opportunities for individuals and small and medium enterprises.

“Uber delivers high quality service throughout the world and the PIBT is proud to partner with it in order to introduce a reliable transportation option in Punjab,” said PIBT Chairman Dr Umar Saif.

Uber has only been operational in Pakistan for a month. Pakistan is Uber’s 69th country in terms of expanding operations.

The company recently announced $250 million investment in the MENA region and Pakistan, with a large portion of it going into expansion across Pakistan for wider network of drivers and a larger team.

“Uber has transformed urban mobility for thousands of Lahoriites by introducing a safe, reliable and affordable way to move around the city,” said Uber Senior International Launcher Loic Amado.

“The flexibility, entrepreneurial opportunity and earning potential of Uber’s innovative technology have had an equally transformational impact on the livelihoods of driver partners and their families,” he added.

PITB and Uber also plan to collaborate in building smart cities for the future.

“We believe the MoU is a great example of what the private sector and civil society can achieve by working together with the best interest of local community at heart.” (The Express Tribune)

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