Victoria Justice Admitting Nude Hacked Photos Are Hers?

Victoria Justice is one brave and angry young woman. Two days after a massive photo hacking scandal broke, the victimized star seems to now be admitting that some of the pics of her are real and she’s going to take legal action.

 Victoria Justice, 21, is now acknowledging that she was one of the 101 female celebrities victimized by hackers who published private nude photos of the stars. Now, she’s courageously taken to TwitLonger, unleashing her justifiable anger at the creeps who have exposed so many celebrities to the world.

The multi-talented singer and actress took to TwitLonger to voice her anger about being involved in the nude photo scandal on Sept. 2. “Shortly after I tweeted about certain pics of me being fake, I was faced with a serious violation of privacy. There have always been fake photos of me on the internet, but I will not be put in the position to defend myself as to what is real or what is fake.”

She continued,”I am angry at this massive invasion of privacy, and like the other women who are in this situation alongside of me, I am taking legal action to protect my rights.”

Victoria took to her Twitter to address her fans right away when the scandal broke on Aug. 31, and put the rumors to rest that the pictures that were leaked of her were in fact fake.

While she is taking legal action, she is still standing by her claim that the photos are not real. Victoria is not the only celebrity who is seeking action, as previously reported, Oscar Winning actress, Jennifer Lawrence, 24, is fighting back as well.

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