Kirsten Dunst Slams Apple After Alleged Nude Photos Leake

Kirsten Dunst has broken her silence after a hacker leaked her private nude photos on the internet, and she is NOT happy.
Kirsten Dunst, 32, is just one of dozens of victims of a hacker who unleashed a massive amount of celebrity nude photos on Aug. 31, allegedly thanks to a glitch in Apple’s iCloud. She has now spoken out, slamming Apple for their alleged fault in the hacking.

Kirsten Dunst’s Nude Photo Leak: Actress Reacts To Crime & Slams Apple
Here’s what Kirsten tweeted on Sept. 1 following the leak:

Indeed, this crime does not look good for Apple as more and more photos continue to leak and the perpetrator remains at large.

We have to applaud Kirsten’s attitude, here — she adds a couple of silly emojis to the tweet, downplaying her reaction. Unfortunately, many of the women are being harrassed on Twitter thanks to this hacker, and we can only hope that Kirsten’s more lighthearted tweet will lesson some of the heat placed on her, focusing it where it belongs — on Apple, and on the hacker who abused the system and committed a crime.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead, McKayla Maroney & More Being Harassed On Twitter
Kirsten is one of a few celebs who have — directly or indirectly — admitted that the photos are, indeed, of her. The legitimacy of other photos are in dispute, while some celebs — like Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton — have sicced their legal team on anyone posting the photos, thereby confirming their validity.
Of course, anything can be created with Photoshop, and other celebs are denying that the photos are of them. Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, and McKayla Maroney have all denied that the photos are real, which may very well be true. Either way, it’s not really anyone’s business — these women have all been utterly wronged and what happened was a crime.

Despite that, many of these women have had to fend off Twitter criticism — Mary Elizabeth Winstead, for example, had to sign off Twitter after admitting the photos were hers, and McKayla has had to deal with her fans and detractors calling her a liar. Awful. (Hollywood Life)

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